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CDC Releases Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance

Friday March 1, 2024

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released updated general guidance on viral respiratory illnesses.

This guidance aligns recommendations for common respiratory viral illness including COVID-19, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) with the goal of making recommendations easier to understand and follow while continuing to protect those most at risk for severe illness.  


Respiratory Virus Guidance
Respiratory Virus Guidance Background
Respiratory Virus Guidance Talking Points
Respiratory Virus Guidance Public FAQ

The CDC recommends core prevention strategies to prevent viral respiratory illnesses. These include:

The guidance also includes specific considerations for people at higher risk for developing severe illness and covers:

The updated viral respiratory illness guidance is intended for a general audience and community settings. CDC’s separate guidance for healthcare settings is not changing. CDC has been working with education partners to develop separate infection prevention and control guidance for schools, which will include information on infection spread and prevention strategies across a number of pathogens that can affect school settings (e.g., norovirus, influenza, Strep pharyngitis). The school guidance will align with the updated Respiratory Virus Guidance and other disease-specific guidance and include considerations for children with special health care needs. CDC expects the school guidance to be released prior to the next school year.

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