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Energy Assistance from MDHHS

Thursday November 15, 2018

The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency wants to remind residents that there is help in times of need this fall and winter.

If you need help paying for energy and weatherization costs, and you meet eligibility requirements, you may be able to get help from state programs that use federal money to assist low-income families with energy costs. The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency wants to remind residents that there is help in times of need this fall and winter. The state programs that can assist you with energy costs include the Home Heating Credit, State Emergency Relief, and Weatherization Assistance Program.

Home Heating Credit: the Home Heating Credit offers support for heating costs. Michigan Department of Treasury determines eligibility and makes payments. Keep in mind:

State Emergency Relief: State Emergency Relief is a crisis intervention program that provides assistance for energy-related expenses such as heating fuel, electricity and home repairs. Eligibility is based on:

Heating fuel has an annual maximum of $450 to $850 depending on the fuel type (maximum payment may change based on available funding). DHHS will only issue one payment for heat and one payment for non-heat electricity between October 1 and September 30 each year, up to the fiscal year cap. A SER payment for heat or non-heat electricity service qualifies your household for additional energy services through the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP). Please call 2-1-1 for a referral to a MEAP grantee to see what other assistance you may be eligible to receive. State energy-related home repairs have a $4,000 lifetime limit per household. Apply online using the MI Bridges application.

Weatherization Assistance Program: Weatherization Assistance Program provides free home energy conservation services to low-income Michigan homeowners and renters. Services reduce energy use and lower utility bills. Services typically include:

Eligibility is based on household income being at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. If you receive cash assistance administered by the Department of Human Services or Supplemental Security Income, you automatically qualify for this no-cost program. To apply for any of these programs, apply online at newmibridges.michigan.gov visit site, or stop in or call your local MDHHS office. For your case-specific questions, contact your case worker.

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