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Medical ID Provides Vital Information to First Responders

Friday May 3, 2019

Medical ID is an app for mobile devices that helps first responders identify critical information about you in the case of an emergency.

Information such as medical conditions, allergies, and medications you are taking can be included to make sure you are taken care of safely. Additionally, emergency contacts can be included that way loved ones are notified of your emergency.

To set up a Medical ID (with iPhone):

  1. Open the Health app and tap the Medical ID tab. (The app may want information such as your name and weight before creating a Medical ID, follow the prompt as necessary).

  2. Tap “Edit”. If asked, tap “Edit Medical ID”.

  3. To make your Medical ID available from the Lock screen on our iPhone, turn on “Show When Locked”.

  4. Enter health information like your birth date, height, and blood type. Also add emergency contacts.

  5. Tap “done”.

To set up a Medical ID (with Android):

  1. Go to the app store and download Medical ID (Free) ICE Contacts.

  2. Open the new app and create a profile. Fill out the profile with as much as you want, which includes: first name, last name, gender, birthday, blood type, height, weight, organ donor, medical conditions, allergies, and medical notes (medical notes is a great place to add emergency contacts).

  3. Then, tap the check mark in the upper right corner to finish your profile.

  4. You’ll see a screen titled profiles. Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner.

  5. In this settings menu, tap “Lock Screen” to see the different access options. You can try them all and see which you like best. Lock your phone to see what they look like.

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