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Measles Outbreak Support - for Health Care Professionals

Thursday March 7, 2019

CDC urges healthcare professionals to ensure that all patients are up to date on MMR vaccine, including before international travel.

From January 1 to February 21, 2019, 159* people from 10 states (CA, CO, CT, GA, IL, NJ, NY, OR, TX, and WA) have been reported as having measles. Five outbreaks (defined as 3 or more linked cases) have been reported, in Rockland County, New York; Monroe County, New York; New York City; Washington; Texas; and Illinois. Of these outbreaks, 2 outbreaks are ongoing from 2018.

*Preliminary data reported to CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

BHSJ Measles Information

What Should Clinicians Do?

For more information, including guidelines for patient evaluation, diagnosis and management, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/measles/hcp/index.html

2. Post measles buttons, banners, and links to CDC communication resources for healthcare professionals.  

By posting measles buttons and banners on your website or blog, you will remind clinicians to consider measles diagnoses. They link to CDC’s measles webpage for healthcare professionals. Get these web tools here: http://www.cdc.gov/measles/resources/web-buttons.html 

You can also post a link to CDC’s Provider Resources for Vaccine Conversations with Parents, which aim to strengthen communication between healthcare professionals and parents. Specific resources to highlight include:

3. Share information about measles with parents and the public in your office.

4. Learn more about measles and encourage your members to do the same.
Below is information about measles that you can promote to other healthcare professionals:


Infomation courtesy of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Immunization.

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